EventsAir allows us to streamline your event workflows between In-Person & Virtual events.
Gilpin Corporate Travel have partnered with leading-edge events technology company
EventsAir for more than 15 years. EventsAir provides a full range of tools and capabilities, including online registrations, tailored
websites, powerful reporting, customised itineraries, mobile apps and more.
EventsAir allows us to streamline your event workflows between In-Person and Virtual events. Using powerful solutions, such as OnAIR
and AIRCast Studio, to manage your online content delivery, you're free to seamlessly connect your In-Person and Virtual audiences and
create amazing Hybrid event experiences, all from a single secure platform.
As our chosen platform, EventsAir gives our clients an innovative and diverse registration and website system on a secure platform that can
be accessed via mobile phone, tablet laptop, or PC.